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Air Methods

What is Asbestos Air Clearance Monitoring and Why Is It Important?

Updated: Dec 30, 2022

Picture this scenario: your vehicle has trouble starting and your mechanic makes the diagnosis that the fuel pump needs to be replaced. After adding a new fuel pump, the car works for a few weeks then fails to start again. Now imagine hiring a professional to abate your home for asbestos then finding out there are still carcinogens in the air. Here is where asbestos air monitoring comes into play.

When Air Clearance is Needed

Conducting an air clearance inspection should always occur after there has been asbestos removal work. After asbestos abatement has been completed and claimed to be removed, air clearance inspection will fully begin. There will then be a visual inspection. If the visual inspection has failed and mold was found, there will need to be an additional abatement service done by a professional asbestos abatement contractor such as Air Methods Environmental.

Air Clearance Testing

If the visual inspection passed, our asbestos consultant will then proceed with asbestos clearance testing. This is the final step to ensure your home or business has past air quality tests. There are a couple different methods such as PCM and TEM depending on the area of the property and whether you are only checking for fibers or asbestos specifically. Samples will then be submitted to the lab for further analysis.

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